My dog went missing yesterday around 11 am. Her name is Gracie. She is half poodle and half shih tzu. Her face and ears are dark and her body is mostly white with dark patches on her back. Still has dew claws. pony tail. She is 2 years old. 6 pounds. Very small for breed. She is friendly but she has never been away from home and she will be scared. PLEASE contact with any info as she is a family member and we miss her very much.
Last seen on 5/14/14 at 11 am on Donnelly Rd on Gilletts Lake. Yes there is a REWARD.
Last seen on 5/14/14 at 11 am on Donnelly Rd on Gilletts Lake. Yes there is a REWARD.
Last seen on 5/14/14 at 11 am on Donnelly Rd on GiLast seen on 5/14/14 at 11 am on Donnelly Rd on Gilletts Lake. Yes there is a REWARD.
Jackson MI.