I am raising reward to $2,500 for the return of my dog Oreo. I am from out of town, visiting family here in Temple, Texas. I arrived late in the evening on March 19 after driving for two day, so I overslept the next morning and my grandmother put my dog in the backyard with her small dogs. Oreo has never tried to wander off, he doesn't even like going outside unless I am with him. I can only surmise that being in an unfamiliar yard he became anxious and went looking for me. Well he was able to squeeze through the bars of grandma's fence because a neighbor saw him walk right by her while she was in her front yard and because she did not recognize she did not stop him.
After looking for him for 8 hours I went online and found Dog-Gone Detectives which is a search and rescue service for lost pets. I called them up and the next day they drove from Dallas and they brought a search and rescue trained dog to find him. Well the dog followed his scent to where it ended at the intersections of W Avenue M & S 15th St Temple, TX 76504. A young man said he saw a black female pick him up from the street. Plenty of people saw him along the way.
The next week I was at Scott & White park, which is down the street where he was picked up, posting flyers and ran into a mother with her two kids. She also recalled seeing my dog that day. She remembered seeing several people trying to get my dog out of the street. One man was in a red scooter chair but he couldn't reach the dog from his chair. Please if you think you know who has or have any other helpful information that can help bring Oreo home please call or text me asap.
If you have Oreo please give him back. I know he looks like a cute small puppy but he is not a puppy next month he turns 11 years old. He doesn't require medication but he needs regular check ups at the vet to monitor his vision. He is not good with kids because they squeeze him too hard, so he will not make a good dog for a child. He is allergic to certain dog foods so I feed him Taste of the Wild because he itches less and doesn't get upset stomach. If you hear his stomach sound like bubbles blowing that is because the food you are giving him is upsetting his stomach. If you see him staring out the window its because he is waiting for me to come get him.
I have already posted over 1,000 flyers in Bell County, I have notified and sent flyers to every veterinary office, groomer, pet store, shelter, rescue and pet walkers in all of Central Texas. Every day I hang up more flyers and mail out more flyers to other parts of the state. I have spoken with mail carriers, FedEx drivers, UPS drivers, city employees, delivery drivers, etc. My full-time job is finding my baby.
He's my best friend, in the 11 years I have had him I have lost so many love ones and he has always been their to comfort me. My whole family is devastated without him. I will never stop looking for him, that's like asking a parent to stop looking for their missing child. I love him and miss him, I know loves and he misses me.
Oreo is a neutered male Shih Tzu/Chihuahua mix, 10 years old, approximately 8 lbs. His coat is white/grey/black. He was not wearing his collar because he had just was just bathed the day before. He does have a microchip. His hair was short when he went missing but could be longer now. He has an underbite and a misaligned tooth on the bottom row.
If you think you have seen him or you see a dog and your not sure if it is him feel free to send me a text with his picture. Or if you have found a dog and think it could be Oreo please take him to a vet to have his chip scanned.
Reward $2,500.00