LOST 6/5/2014 Thursday Morning.
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$500 reward on info pixie my black lab (Anywhere)
Still missing Pixie with not a single siting:-( I have this gut feeling that someone has my baby. She is large, black and white missing PART of a right canine tooth that is broken off. If you have her or know someone who has her I am BEGGING you to PLEASE return her and we will pay you $500 dollars for her return. Pixie is an older dog, 7 years old whom you can't breed because she's spayed, she eats A LOT of food and will cost you A LOT of money. Pixie is bonded to this family and she will not be the happy go lucky dog without this family. I am pleading with anyone who may know anything about this dog to please contact me 615-200-4340, no questions asked, I get my dog back and you get $500 cash. If you don't want to contact PLEASE take her to a vet or shelter and they will scan her chip for FREE and we can get her that way and you can contact me via email to receive your cash reward. I don't care how she gets home I just want her home. Please, I would do anything to have my companion home safe, where she belongs.
Reward offered: $500.00

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