LOST 5/31/2014 Saturday Morning.
Printable Flyer
DRONE LOST South Buffalo Tift area (Between Tift st and Folger st )
Drone took off behind District A police station and flew past stop and gas on Tift St and Hopkins St near Folger St. area ...
The drone is white ....has 4 propellers and can ONLY be used with the Exact remote we have here ... you can not get a replacement remote for this item they both use a special chip that can not be duplicated .. leaving it useless to the finder ... please help and contact us if you locate it .. .
If found please call 716 686 0559 or call District A buffalo Police 911 ... they have also been notified of it missing ... thank you sooo much!! REWARD IF FOUND !!
Search Tags : helicopter remote plane fly plane UFO Dumb A$$ needs flying lessons ..... Etc.... please bring this back to me asap .. so i can sleep .. thanks .....
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