LOST 12/4/2015 Friday Evening.

Printable Flyer

Lost knit poncho and book

On Friday evening probably around 6pm I was heading to the 8th Ave subway towards JFK and I had a book, a few snacks (before the flight) and my black knit poncho in a supermarket plastic bag hanging off my luggage handle. As I approached the subway stairs, it went missing because when I started down the stairs, it was gone. It was still there when across the street ...I am hoping there is a very kind NewYorker who found this or knows someone who has it. I am willing to pay more than what it's worth for its safe return as it is not an expensive item, but a sentimental one. In the bag was also my bus ticket and flight itinerary which had my name/my mother's name on it and possibly my email address too.

I am happy to pay a reward of more than what it's worth and shipping costs

Location Details8th Ave subway on 33rd st
33rd St at 8th Ave subway entrance
New York City NY.

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