STOLEN 5/18/2014 Sunday Morning.
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Stolen 4wheelers reward for return no questions asked - $1000 (Deltona)
I am looking for two four wheelers that were stolen from 9th Street in Deltona this morning, early morning. One of them is a 2008 Honda TRX 700 that is all black and has an aftermarket exhaust and power commander on it. The other bike is a raptor 660 that is white with a red frame and red grill. I'm posting a picture of the Honda I do not have one of the Raptor at the moment but they were stolen together. I will pay $1000 for the return of the two four wheelers no questions asked. they don't belong to me they were a good friend of mine and he is very upset that are gone. I would like to get them back for him. Please any help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact me at 407-965-9680. And you have my word if you bring the four wheelers back no questions asked I will hand you a thousand dollars, no police no criminal charges nothing, I just want to get the four wheelers back to him. Thanks so much for any help!!!
Reward offered: $1,000.00

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