STOLEN 5/14/2014 Wednesday Morning.
Printable Flyer
107 Ella Grasso Tpke
Volkswagen GTI 2011 Metallic Blue 293ZAN
Windsor Locks Police Departmnet
The car was stolen during the hours of 10 and 11am at 107 Ella Grasso Tpke, at a Mobil station in Windsor Locks near the Bradley airport, EZ-Rent a car, Wendy's, Scooters diner, then headed southbound on route 75. The car is in brand new condition, 18' VW alloy chrome rims with oval cuts in black, silver with blue VW tire stem caps and the number of license plate is 293ZAN no license plate on the front. The rear bumper has a removed sticker stain on the left side. It is suspected that a black male stole the car and has already been seen on the cameras of the gas station, and the victim of the stolen car. If you see this car notify the police imediately, your help will not go unrewarded. Thank You.
Reward offered: $1,000.00
If you see this car notify the police imediately, your help will not go unrewarded. Thank You.
(203) 907-6572
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